US: The 22nd government shutdown since 1976 continues to loom – Commerzbank
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US: The 22nd government shutdown since 1976 continues to loom – Commerzbank

On Saturday, Congress passed a bill that funds the US federal government through November 17. We could still be looking at a government shutdown after November 17, economists at Commerzbank report.

US shutdown averted, for now

The US government shutdown feared for Oct. 1 is off the table for now, as Congress passed last-minute interim funding. However, this will only last until November 17.

By mid-November, Congress must pass either regular budget legislation or another stopgap funding measure. However, the positions in Congress on the level of government spending and on issues such as Ukraine aid and border security are still far apart. Thus, the 22nd government shutdown since 1976 continues to loom.